A Tooth Healthy Thanksgiving

Family smiling at Thanksgiving meal

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful, spend time with your loved ones and EAT! Fortunately, many of the foods we eat for our Thanksgiving dinner are good for our health. Unfortunately, there are always the bad guys lurking around the corner.

Thanksgiving DDAZ

While we would never suggest you skip that sweet slice of pumpkin pie, remember to limit your sugar intake. One glass of wine will do minimal harm, but several can leave you with more than a headache in the morning.

Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at Delta Dental of Arizona!

Leah Martinez
Leah Martinez serves as a social media analyst for Delta Dental of Arizona. In college at the University of New Mexico, Leah took the path of no return and majored in Chemistry with healthcare on her mind. After learning direct patient care was not her forte, she landed a job as the advertising manager at University of New Mexico's college newspaper “The Daily Lobo.” It was this job that turned her on to her skills in digital marketing. Since joining Delta Dental in 2012, Leah found her niche, as the constant education and learning in social media brings out the true geek in her. In her spare time, Leah enjoys snowboarding, snowmobiling and riding dirt bikes. (Did we mention she's based in Colorado?) [Editor's Note: Leah is no longer a current DDAZ employee.]