Tag Archives: risk factors
Marijuana and anesthesia

Marijuana & Anesthesia: Can You Smoke Weed Before Oral Surgery?

As medical and recreational marijuana use become more common, medical professionals are learning more about the different ways cannabis users respond to anesthesia, heal post-surgery or react to certain medications. Because of this, it’s important to tell your dentist or doctor if you use marijuana. What Are The Marijuana Laws In Arizona? You probably noticed […]

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If you're wine tasting at Arizona's best wineries, use these tips to make sure you don't damage your teeth. Plus, learn more about 8 top Arizona vineyards.

Protect Your Teeth While Drinking at Arizona’s Best Wineries

The high deserts of Arizona provide three major grape-growing regions: Sonoita, Willcox, and Verde Valley. Nothing pairs better with the dry heat and sunny skies of AZ than sipping a locally-made wine. Plus, the unique climate here makes Arizona wines exceptional. The “diurnal effect,” where temperatures dive down at night and swing up during the […]

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Generations of healthy smiles

How Much Does the Luck of Genetics Play into the Health of Your Smile?

DNA is the building blocks of our bodies. Our DNA is a mixture of our mother and father’s DNA. Has anyone ever told you that you have your father’s nose or your mother’s eyes? DNA affects everything from our skin and hair color to our height and shoe size, but can it also affect how […]

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Group of boys playing flag football

3 Sports that Compromise Smile Safety

Kids and adults who compete in sports are more likely to maintain a healthy weight, have better mental health and develop stronger bones and muscles. But despite the benefits, dental health takes a hit when it comes to some sports. Basketball Contact sports require players to wear facial protection and mouthguards, but basketball requires no […]

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How Your Practice Can Avoid Non-Intentional Dental Fraud

Accidental fraud happens. Learn what you can do to avoid an accident: Continue educating yourself.  Initial training is important, but repeating protocol can make the message stick. Make sure your staff knows appropriate patterns of practice. For example, a well-meaning hygienist may take radiographs during every checkup simply because he/she isn’t aware that it’s not […]

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Cavities: Are They the Result of Genetics or Bad Behavior?

Although the rate of tooth decay has decreased for most Americans over the last 40 years, tooth decay remains the most common chronic disease in both children and adults. Nationally, 92% of adults 20 to 64 have had cavities in their permanent teeth. Locally, 60% of children in Arizona have had at least one cavity. […]

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Leonard Nimoy, COPD & Oral Health: What’s the Logical Connection?

He lived long and prospered, but if Leonard Nimoy had one regret, it may have been smoking. The late actor died today at age 83 from end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a condition he attributed to years of smoking. What is COPD COPD is a progressive lung disease that blocks airflow and makes breathing […]

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5 Things that Put Your Teen’s Oral Health at Risk

If you’re a parent of a teenager, you probably have more things to worry about than hours in the day. But it’s important for your teen to know the importance of dental health and the effects his or her behaviors can have on the teeth. Here are 5 of the most prominent causes of tooth […]

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Oral Cancer Risk Factors

Risk factors can come in many forms. Some are choices we make and others are dynamics we can’t control. In order to reduce your chance of developing oral cancer, make yourself aware of all the risk factors and understand how they relate to your lifestyle. Use of tobacco products. According to The Oral Cancer Foundation, […]

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Brushing and Flossing Could Cut Oral HPV Risk

Human papillomavirus (HPV), commonly known as the virus that causes genital warts and cervical cancer, is increasingly being recognized as a cause of infections in the throat, tongue and tonsils. In fact, the same types of HPV that infect the genital areas can infect the mouth and throat. What is Oral or Tonsillar HPV? HPV […]

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