Archive | 2015

Combating Tooth Decay: 3 Ways to Help Kids Get a Passing Grade in Oral Health This School Year

As a new school year begins for students across the nation, many parents may be thinking about school supplies, earlier bedtimes, and homework. But with tooth decay being one of the most common diseases among children, Delta Dental of Arizona is reminding parents of three key items that shouldn’t be overlooked when preparing kids for […]

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5 Fun Facts About Dinosaur Teeth

Paleontologists can tell a lot from the size of a dinosaur’s skull and from the teeth in it. Dinosaur teeth provide the best clues as to what they ate, how they got their food and how they digested their food. For example, some dinosaurs had long, rake-like teeth. They used their teeth to strip leaves off […]

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When Pica Strikes: Substances Not for Snacking

When you reach for a snack, you may grab an apple, a cup of yogurt or cheese and crackers – not a stick of chalk. But for people with pica, an eating disorder that causes cravings for nonfood substances, those unorthodox eats are all too real. Pica can be caused by depression, stress, anxiety and […]

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Dental Decoded: 4 Common Types of Dental Specialists

Your general dentist is just one of the many professionals who can help you maintain a healthy smile. There are a lot of “odontists” out there – from ones who help with appliances like braces to others who specialize in restorations. Here are a few of the most common specialized dentistry professionals: Endodontists are dentists […]

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Woman walking in the city and blowing her nose because she has seasonal allergies.

Are Your Seasonal Allergies Causing Toothaches?

Desert destinations like Phoenix and Tucson used to be top locales for those who had bad allergies. Thousands of allergy suffers heeded their doctor’s advice, headed West and moved to Arizona. Perhaps because they longed for the comforts of home, they brought their plants—and pollen—with them, and now Phoenix and Tucson are among the worst cities […]

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Get Screened & Raise Funds at the AZ Oral Cancer Walk

Our mouth is used to eat, drink, smile, speak, laugh and kiss. But when cancer affects our mouths, it does more than take away these everyday functions. It takes lives. In fact, close to 45,750 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year. It will cause over 8,650 deaths, killing roughly 1 […]

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Can You Deduct Dental Expenses on Your Taxes?

Preparing your income taxes? You’re probably looking for as many tax deductions as possible. If you’re itemizing your deductions, remember that dental expenses are treated like medical expenses. For federal income tax purposes, many medical and dental costs are permitted to be itemized if they exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income (for most people). […]

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Which Do Kids Hate More: Brushing Their Teeth or Eating Vegetables?

Think it’s tough to get kids to eat their vegetables? It may be even tougher to get them to brush their teeth. That’s a finding from a new survey of more than 1,300 parents released by Delta Dental. Nearly half of parents (45 percent) say getting kids to brush their teeth is one of the […]

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Keep Your Mouth Clean This Spring

Doing some spring cleaning this month? While you’re busy beating rugs, cleaning curtains and organizing cabinets, don’t forget to check your bathroom counter! Here are four things to add to your checklist. Replace old or worn toothbrushes. If your toothbrush or toothbrush head is more than three months old, it’s time to get a new […]

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Girls high school basketball team mid-play

Mouth Madness: 3 Tips for Improving Your Oral Health Game

It’s that time of year again when the whole country goes a little mad – mad for basketball tournament brackets, obscure college mascots and Cinderella stories. When you’re not busy updating your wins and losses this month, take a few moments to consider how you can improve your oral health game. Sport a mouthguard. Whether […]

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