Dentist Spotlight: Dr. Tim Loving & Dr. Lisa Loving

Dr. Tim Loving (left) and Dr. Lisa Loving (right) of Loving Family Dental in Fountain Hills.

This month, we’d like to introduce you to Delta Dental dentists Dr. Tim Loving and Dr. Lisa Loving. This husband-and-wife team runs Loving Family Dental in Fountain Hills.

Do you brush and floss as much as you recommend?
Dr. Tim: No, my flossing is not what it should be.
Dr. Lisa: I do!

What is your favorite flavor floss?
Dr. Tim: Mint.
Dr. Lisa: Mint. We’re standbys. Oldies but goodies.

Electric or manual toothbrush?
Dr. Tim: Oh (we use) manual. We’re old school. We do recommend an awful lot of electronic toothbrushes for folks though.

Which celebrity has the best smile?
Dr. Tim: Julia Roberts. She just has a big, toothy grin.
Dr. Lisa: I don’t know. I’d have to look at a People magazine. Let’s go with Brad Pitt. He has a nice smile.

If you could tell patients to stop doing one thing, what would it be?
Dr. Tim: Stop grinding your teeth. You see an awful lot of wear and tear on teeth related to bruxing or grinding and that can be difficult to treat and restore if severe.
Dr. Lisa: Find one dentist and stay with them! A lot of people change their dentist every few years or so but this isn’t recommended. Once you find a good quality dentist, stay there because your regular dentist will know your mouth much better than every other dentist so they can give you better treatment.

What is the best dental advice you’ve ever received?
Dr. Tim: Treat your patients like you’d treat your family.
Dr. Lisa: Ditto. It’s been our philosophy.

What is the best thing about being a Delta Dental dentist?
Dr. Tim: The participation of specialists. It’s easy for us to make referrals to the appropriate specialists without having to worry about if they participate with this insurance or that insurance. Delta Dental is pretty universally accepted.
Dr. Lisa: I like that they offer an individual plan for patients. People get a little panicked sometimes when they pick up a new insurance. It’s nice when they are in a state of panic and losing their insurance and concerned, that that is something Delta Dental can offer them.

National Women’s Health Week is May 12-18. What oral health tips would you give to women?
Dr. Tim: If they’re expecting, make certain to maintain as good of oral health as possible. If they are pregnant and then discover they have dental problems, it can be contraindicated or difficult to treat when they’re pregnant.

Any funny stories from the dental chair?
Dr. Lisa: None that I’d like to share. (laughs)
Dr. Tim: Do we have funny stories? Yes, but I can’t think of any that are appropriate to share.

What is your favorite dental joke?
Dr. Lisa: My favorite dental skit is from the Carol Burnett Show with Tim Conway. [Editor’s note: Watch it at]
Dr. Tim: How many oral surgeons does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just one to hold on to the bulb while the whole world revolves around him. (pauses) I’ll probably never get another oral surgeon as one of my patients after that joke!

If you’d like to nominate a dentist to be featured in the Delta Dental AZ Blog, contact us.

Tiffany DiGiacinto
Tiffany Di Giacinto serves as the director of marketing and communications for Delta Dental of Arizona (DDAZ) and is the editor of the DDAZ Blog. Since joining the Delta Dental family in 2012, she has learned a lot about dental health, the dental insurance industry and the passions of the oral health community. Tiffany's favorite toothpaste is Sensodyne (she has sensitive teeth) and her favorite floss flavor is mint. In her spare time, she enjoys WAKA kickball, happy hours and bad pop music. Tweet her, maybe, at @tdigiacinto.