Thumb-sucking & Your Toddler’s Teeth

Toddler sucking thumb
Prolonged thumb-sucking can cause mouth and teeth issues. Find out what you can do to help your child limit thumb-sucking.

We each have our own ways of dealing with stressful situations. Whether it is drinking a glass of wine after a hard day or a nice long run on the nearest hiking trail to clear your head from that disastrous work meeting, we all need to self-comfort in some manner. Babies are no different but instead of turning to an activity or pastime like adults do, they turn to the closest thing they have — their thumb (or for some kids, their fingers).

It’s a great coping mechanism, but if thumb-sucking continues beyond a child’s first few years, it can lead to a mouth — or jaw — full of problems. Constant pressure on the jaw and mouth caused by thumb-sucking can change the way these body parts develop. Sucking can cause the upper jaw to narrow, which changes the child’s bite. As the child gets older, teeth in the back of the mouth are forced to take on the brunt of chewing. This can lead to dental issues down the road.

So what can you do to help your kid kick the habit?

  • Limit the amount of time you allow your child to suck his or her thumb. Restrict thumb-sucking to in the house; do not allow it in public.
  • Help your child be aware of thumb-sucking. Many kids do it unconsciously, so help them find another way to feel comfort.
  • Don’t use the nasty-tasting topical stuff. It’s not nice and it’s not fair.
  • Don’t cover their hand with a glove or mitten. Would you want to wear winter gear indoors to help you break a bad habit?

Children who continue to suck their thumbs are dealing with anxiety the best way they know how. Be patient as you help them work through finding another way to self-comfort.

Leah Martinez
Leah Martinez serves as a social media analyst for Delta Dental of Arizona. In college at the University of New Mexico, Leah took the path of no return and majored in Chemistry with healthcare on her mind. After learning direct patient care was not her forte, she landed a job as the advertising manager at University of New Mexico's college newspaper “The Daily Lobo.” It was this job that turned her on to her skills in digital marketing. Since joining Delta Dental in 2012, Leah found her niche, as the constant education and learning in social media brings out the true geek in her. In her spare time, Leah enjoys snowboarding, snowmobiling and riding dirt bikes. (Did we mention she's based in Colorado?) [Editor's Note: Leah is no longer a current DDAZ employee.]