Dentist Spotlight: Dr. Elahe Wissinger

Dr. Elahe Wissinger of E Dental Solutions in Tucson
Dr. Elahe Wissinger of E Dental Solutions in Tucson

This month, we’d like to introduce you to Delta Dental dentist Dr. Elahe Wissinger. Her Tucson practice, E Dental Solutions, offers preventive, restorative and cosmetic dentistry.

Do you brush and floss as much as recommended?
Yes, I actually floss more than recommended. I strongly recommend that patients floss at bedtime if they are not able to commit to flossing at least twice a day.

What is your favorite flavor floss?
Mint-flavored tape.

Electric or manual toothbrush?

Which celebrity has the best smile?
Julia Roberts.

If you could tell patients to stop doing one thing, what would it be?
Stop neglecting proper home care. It is a great preventive measure.

What is the best dental advice you’ve ever received?
If you don’t have a toothbrush, use nature’s own natural toothbrush—an apple!

What is the best thing about being a Delta Dental dentist?
Having Keisher Strickland as our professional relations representative. (Editor’s Note: Each dental office has an assigned professional relations representative to answer questions and provide training on Delta Dental policies.)

What three things can people do to ensure a healthy and beautiful smile?
Implement proper home maintenance as well as ensure timely professional maintenance. It is not necessary to change your diet in order to have healthy teeth. There are a lot of misconceptions about having sweet treats. Sweet treats are OK in moderation; just remember to brush and floss afterwards. That is the key.

What is your favorite dental joke?
Q: What does the dentist of the year receive as an award?
A:  A little plaque.

If you were stuck on a desert island, what three items would you bring?
My phone, toothbrush and floss. I can’t sleep if I don’t floss and brush. Oh, and a hair clip—my hair is crazy without it!

If you’d like to nominate a dentist to be featured in the Delta Dental AZ Blog, contact us.

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