12 Reasons to Smile This Year

There are many health benefits that come with doing something as simple as a smiling. Reap the benefits of this immune-boosting expression and make it a point to smile more! To help you get started, here are 12 reasons to smile more:

  1. A smile can help your heart. When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in blood pressure, try it out!
  2. A smile makes you appear more attractive; it draws people in and makes you more approachable.
  3. It’s contagious. Try smiling at someone; more often than not you will see them smiling right back at you.
  4. Smiling can change your mood. Even a forced smile can trick the body into changing your mood.
  5. A smile can reduce stress. Stress shows up in your face; smiling helps to prevent you from looking tired, worn down and overwhelmed.
  6. Smiling releases endorphins. Endorphins help you to have a natural feeling of well-being.
  7. Smiling exudes positivity. When you or someone you care about is unhappy, sometimes kind words are not enough. A smile often helps improve the outlook and feeling that things will get better.
  8. A smile can help you connect with others. When you smile, you communicate openness and people will warm up to you quicker. Smiling as you speak on the phone can also enrich a conversation. A smile indicates a certain trust and confidence.
  9. It’s free! Smiling doesn’t cost a dime; it free for the taking – and giving.
  10. Smiling builds self-esteem. It helps to take away negative thoughts making you more likely to do things you might normally be afraid of.
  11. Smiling indicates forgiveness and openness to forgive. Although it may be hard to smile at someone you are not on good terms with, a smile is a gesture that signals to others that you are open to forgive or ask for forgiveness.
  12. A smile can brighten someone else’s day. A smile is a silent gesture that shows other people that you care.
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Amanda Jones
Amanda Jones serves as the graphics guru for Delta Dental of Arizona. Since moving to Arizona in 2010, she has been advocating for greater access to oral health care through her work with the Maricopa County oral health coalition (MOLAR). She's passionate about improving lives through health promotion and disease prevention. Amanda loves her spin brush because a smiley face appears after two minutes and if she keeps brushing, it will wink! In her spare time, she enjoys karaoke, live music and exploring new restaurants. [Editor's Note: Amanda is no longer a current DDAZ employee.]