Archive | February, 2018
Group of boys playing hockey

Winter Sports that Need Mouthguards: The Complete List

Helmets, gloves and goggles are synonymous with winter sports — but what about mouthguards? Do you or your child need to wear a mouthguard for your arctic athletic activity? Here are all of the winter sports that need mouthguards: Hockey Hockey has a stereotype for missing teeth, and while the NHL does not require players […]

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Woman in pink running on a mountain.

Here’s Why Your Teeth Hurt When You Run

Are you like me, an avid runner that loves the feel of my feet pounding down on the pavement or out on a trail? There are few things that can discourage me from a long walk, a distance run, or a light jog in the great outdoors, except teeth pain. Why do my teeth hurt […]

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is beer bad for your teeth

Brews and FAQs: Beer and Teeth

Most people heading out to the bar for a quick pint probably rarely stop to wonder what should be an important question: is beer bad for your teeth? According to the United States Office of Disease and Prevention and Health Promotion, moderate alcohol consumption is considered one drink per day for adult women and two […]

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dental insurance for retirees

Dental Insurance Options for Retirees

Just because you retired doesn’t mean it’s time to retire your oral health routine! But what about dental insurance for retirees? Unfortunately, most Americans lose dental coverage after retirement, and Medicare does not cover dental. But retirees do have options: Medicare Advantage plans typically offer hearing, vision and dental coverage. These plans aren’t right for everyone, so look at […]

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