Caroline Jacobson

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Caroline Jacobson serves as a social media writer for Delta Dental of Arizona. Based in Colorado and originally from the Deep South, Caroline recently graduated from the University of Denver with her Masters in Strategic Communications. Before joining Delta Dental, she worked as a marketing manager and social media specialist for an Alabama firm. Caroline has always had a passion for non-profits, recently working with the Denver Center for Performing Arts and PBS. In her spare time, she enjoys outdoor activities with the three main men in her life: her husband and two long-haired dachshunds, Kyle and Brad. [Editor's Note: Caroline is no longer a current DD employee.]

Recent blog posts written by Caroline Jacobson

dental specialist

Seeing a Dental Specialist 101

If you ever need much more than a basic exam and cleaning, chances are good that your general dentist will refer you to a dental specialist. Here are some common dental specialists and what they do:  An endodontist is essentially a dental specialist for root canal They treat diseases and injuries of the dental pulp […]

Xylitol vs Stevia

Sugar Swap Showdown: Xylitol vs. Stevia

Sugar is sweet on your taste buds, but it’s not-so-sweet to your teeth. Xylitol and stevia are both tooth-friendly alternatives, but how do these sweeteners stack up? Get the scoop on xylitol vs stevia. Xylitol vs Stevia: What Are They? What is xylitol? Xylitol is a natural alcohol found in plants, and is often used […]

Woman in pink running on a mountain.

Here’s Why Your Teeth Hurt When You Run

Are you like me, an avid runner that loves the feel of my feet pounding down on the pavement or out on a trail? There are few things that can discourage me from a long walk, a distance run, or a light jog in the great outdoors, except teeth pain. Why do my teeth hurt […]

is beer bad for your teeth

Brews and FAQs: Beer and Teeth

Most people heading out to the bar for a quick pint probably rarely stop to wonder what should be an important question: is beer bad for your teeth? According to the United States Office of Disease and Prevention and Health Promotion, moderate alcohol consumption is considered one drink per day for adult women and two […]

dental insurance for retirees

Dental Insurance Options for Retirees

Just because you retired doesn’t mean it’s time to retire your oral health routine! But what about dental insurance for retirees? Unfortunately, most Americans lose dental coverage after retirement, and Medicare does not cover dental. But retirees do have options: Medicare Advantage plans typically offer hearing, vision and dental coverage. These plans aren’t right for everyone, so look at […]

Tooth Fairy books

5 Tooth Fairy Books to Read With Your Child

Move over princesses and dinosaurs—Tooth Fairy books are the new stars in town. Why? Parents have a lot to deal with when it comes to teaching kids about the importance of good oral hygiene and the magical being who takes lost baby teeth in exchange for money or trinkets. We’ve rounded up 5 of our […]

Fluoride: The Mineral with Big Benefits

Fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, is not only beneficial, but is essential to teeth. How does fluoride help teeth? Fluoride makes up the enamel of teeth—or the hard outer layer. As we use our teeth, bacteria, sugar and acids break down the enamel, demineralizing teeth. Fluoride builds the enamel back up again in a process […]

Mouth and body connection

The Mouth and Body Connection [INFOGRAPHIC]

How Does Dental Hygiene Affect Your Health? Learn more about the mouth and body connection with our latest infographic.

Two brown and white wrapped gifts, one green wrapped gift, and a gold sparkle pillow.

Healthy Holiday Gifts and Stocking Stuffers

Between all the cookies, candy canes and cocktails, healthy holiday gifts can be hard to find. Help your friends and family avoid a seasonal slump. Here are some healthy holiday gifts for all ages—perfect for a fit and festive holiday!

Best Bites for Braces-Wearers: What Not To Eat

Anyone who has worn them knows that there are certain foods to avoid with braces, but those new to them may not know what you can’t eat with braces. Here’s a handy guide to what you can’t eat with wires: Sticky and Chewy Though it’s hard to resist tossing your favorite caramels or Starbursts into […]

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