3 Ways to Smile Through Election Season

girl wearing an American flag shirt giving a thumbs up

Don’t let election coverage overwhelm you! Here are three tips to help you keep a smile on your face throughout election season.

Avoiding the political frenzy that comes with presidential election season is nearly impossible. From campaign ads to the overflowing opinions on social media, it’s pretty hard to get a break from it all.

As Americans, it’s our civic duty to be informed. Unfortunately, it has been proven that engaging in politics makes you more likely to be fatigued, anxious or depressed. Despite this, there are ways to bring a smile to your face this election season.

Follow these tips to turn that frown into a huge smile:

1. Unplug

Screens are a staple in 2016. Unplug and get some face-to-face social interaction.

2. Exercise

Exercise increases dopamine; your body’s feel-good chemical. When you’re active, your brain also releases euphoric feelings. These feelings can come in 20 minutes of exercise or less—that’s faster than watching a Seinfeld rerun. Whether it’s for a walk, run or class, get out to transform your negative ‘tude into a happy mood!

3. Smile

People who smile more are happier. Our bodies influence our emotions, reinforcing the feelings we’re having. Surround yourself with happy people, as it’s difficult for people to frown if someone is smiling at them. Overall, smiling reduces stress, so beat the blues with an all-American smile.

For more smiling tips, subscribe to our blog. Happy voting!

Gabi Winkels
Gabi serves as a community manager for Delta Dental of Arizona. A Minnesota native, Gabi holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Minnesota. Coming from an agency background, Gabi has provided social media and marketing strategies for a variety of clients over the course of her career. From food and beverage brands to travel and industrial companies, she is not one to shy away from a challenge. When she’s not in the office, Gabi enjoys exploring the world with her husband and spending time with her friends, family and dog. [Editor's Note: Gabi is no longer a current DDAZ employee.]