Jolean Fleck

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Recent blog posts written by Jolean Fleck

6 employees at a factory are standing in a semi-circle and smiling while they talk.

5 Ways Insurance Can Help Create A Healthier Workplace

Your healthy employees are not only more productive but also more engaged and loyal. They are less likely to miss work, will spend less on healthcare and will be happier overall. Insurance plays a key role in maintaining your employees’ health. Here are 5 ways insurance can help create a healthier workplace.

Female HR personnel is speaking to a table of employees including a female and two males.

Advice To Help Employees Maximize Their Benefits

Navigating the complexities of employee benefits can be daunting, especially for those outside of human resources who are less fluent in the industry jargon. So how do employers make this easier? We’ve gathered insights from top professionals on their best practices for helping employees maximize their benefits.

Here’s Why Diversity in the Workplace is Crucial to Success

The workplace is the perfect venue for embracing and celebrating the facts that make us all unique while seeking to better understand those who are different from us. When these differences are harnessed, wonderful things can happen. The best teams are a mix of different strengths, perspectives and experiences. As an HR professional for over […]

Gen Z employee using phone to create content at work

Generation Z & Their Benefit Needs

The year was 1996. Oprah’s latest book club selection was a nightstand staple (The Corrections is still a favorite of mine). A Nirvana CD replaced my Guns N’ Roses cassette tape and I couldn’t have been a bigger Friends fan. Little did I know that while I was practicing the Macarena in my mirror, Generation […]

5 Ways to Show Remote Employees You Care About Their Oral Health

Managing a newly remote team or company comes with hurdles. In addition to maintaining the same levels of service, you have to think about keeping your team engaged and connected without the benefit of in-person contact. Wellness programs have become an increasingly valuable tool in helping employees weather this time of uncertainty, but you might […]

Woman eating a health breakfast in her office while talking to a coworker

5 Wellness Tips to Keep Employees Engaged All Year Long

“This is the year. Starting January 1, I’m going to eat healthy, hit the gym 7 times a week and meditate every day,” says everyone every New Year. I would never discourage ambitious goal-setting, but doesn’t it feel a little overwhelming all at once? Remember that you now must execute all these lofty resolutions in […]

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