5 Tips to Help You Quit

woman quitting smoking cigarettes

Smoking is an addiction that develops into a dangerous psychological habit. As time passes, the act of smoking becomes mechanical and the habit is ingrained in the daily routine. It is automatic for a habitual smoker to light a cigarette during break-time or with coffee in the morning. The “pleasant feeling” of nicotine on the human neural system leaves the smoker relieved when stressed, bored, depressed or traumatized. It’s still hard for smokers to quit but it is made easier by the number of products that can help them in the process.

Therefore, it is essential to address the pre and post smoking symptoms to quit the habit for good. The following five tips will help smokers be successful quitting.

Start ‘NOW’ with a personal stop-smoking plan

The plan starts with setting a quit date within the next two weeks to keep your motivation up and telling family and friends about your decision. You will need time to mentally prepare for the anticipated challenges that come your way as your ‘stop-smoking’ campaign rolls along. To resist any temptation, remove all cigarette products from home, car and office. Once you decide to kick the habit, remain in frequent touch with your doctor for any urgent help.

Avoiding common smoking triggers

People with the habit of drinking and smoking should go to bars and restaurants where smoking is prohibited. Avoid being around family and friends who are smokers, as temptation will be lurking. Post dinner smoking could be replaced with a piece of fruit or (occasionally) an ice-cream cone or piece of chocolate.

Manage your cigarette cravings

It is suggested that you distract your mind from cravings by doing something active. Remove yourself from situations that trigger a craving. Finally, self-motivation through rewards is a positive way to manage cravings.

Cope with withdrawal symptoms

Symptoms include fatigue, insomnia, tremors, restlessness, and headaches, among others. However, it is essential to ignore them, as these symptoms will decrease and go away within a week. Encouragement and cooperation from friends and family makes a huge difference.

Stop-smoking medication

Replacing cigarettes with nicotine gum or a patch can help break the psychological barriers. Used as a short-term solution, medications of this sort can make the first few weeks away from cigarettes more manageable. As we know that quitting smoking can be difficult for some. But with the various methods that you can try out, it may not be as challenging as you first thought. You should make sure your health comes first and this might be the right step to take in order to change your life for good.

If you have a plan in place and the support of your loved ones, quitting smoking will be the best health decision you will ever make! And not to mention the oral health benefits you get from quitting. Say goodbye to dry mouth, stained teeth, bad breath, and reduce your risk of oral cancer while you’re at it!

Leah Martinez
Leah Martinez serves as a social media analyst for Delta Dental of Arizona. In college at the University of New Mexico, Leah took the path of no return and majored in Chemistry with healthcare on her mind. After learning direct patient care was not her forte, she landed a job as the advertising manager at University of New Mexico's college newspaper “The Daily Lobo.” It was this job that turned her on to her skills in digital marketing. Since joining Delta Dental in 2012, Leah found her niche, as the constant education and learning in social media brings out the true geek in her. In her spare time, Leah enjoys snowboarding, snowmobiling and riding dirt bikes. (Did we mention she's based in Colorado?) [Editor's Note: Leah is no longer a current DDAZ employee.]