Moments That Made Us Smile in 2019 [Infographic]

Group of friends smiling at eachother

In just a few short days we’ll be entering a brand-new decade! Let that sink in for a moment and while you do, here’s a look back at some of the top stories from 2019 that made us smile in pop culture, the dentistry world and everything in between!

Jessica Arnold
Jessica Arnold is the social media and content specialist at Delta Dental of Arizona. She has a background in digital marketing and really appreciates how social media platforms can connect consumers and companies in a more meaningful way. She’s a true native Phoenician who loves spending time outside (when it’s not so hot!) with her daughter and husband. She's passionate about good overall health and is excited to have found her way into a company that enables wellness in Arizona. Her favorite social network is Reddit, where she can take a deep dive into very random topics (including oral health). With a toddler at home she’s slowly learning more about children’s oral health and how to get them to brush their little chompers—a daily battle, but well worth it! [Editor's Note: Jessica is no longer a current DDAZ employee.]