MythBusters: Dental Insurance Edition

woman smiling at tablet

There’s a lot of misinformation about dental benefits, and it’s hard to decode what’s true and what’s fabricated. We’re channeling our inner Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman to debunk 5 common dental benefits myths:

MYTH: I have health insurance, so dental care is covered.

PLAUSIBLE. Here’s why: It varies by medical plan, but oftentimes health insurance will not cover dental procedures. Dental services are frequently left out of medical plan benefits, which is why many employers and individuals choose standalone dental plans. It’s possible, however, that your health insurance may cover anesthesia services related to oral surgery while your oral surgeon’s fees would be covered by your dental insurance.

MYTH: My teeth are healthy, so I don’t need dental coverage.

BUSTED. Here’s why: Buying dental insurance and using dental benefits is a smart choice, even if you have tip-top teeth. Adults with dental coverage are more likely to visit the dentist and report higher levels of overall well-being, according to the 2024 Examining Oral Health and Wellness in Arizona report.

MYTH: I can’t afford dental insurance.

BUSTED. Here’s why: Although cost is often cited as a reason for delaying or forgoing dental care, dental insurance is relatively affordable. It’s also important to note that preventive care is often covered by your dental benefits at no additional cost whereas restorative care can be costly.

MYTH: I can see any dentist I want now that I have dental benefits.

PLAUSIBLE. Here’s why: With most dental carriers, you’re free to see any dentist you please, but your benefits may not cover treatments or services provided by an out-of-network dentist. If your coverage is through Delta Dental of Arizona, you can use our “Find a Dentist” tool to locate an in-network dentist before you make an appointment. Also, you’ll save more money if you choose a Delta Dental PPO dentist.

MYTH: Dental insurance covers all treatments and procedures.

BUSTED. Here’s why: Dental insurance is designed to save you money and focuses on preventing problems before they begin. Before you get a dental treatment, make sure you understand what your benefits plan covers by logging into the Member Portal or requesting a predetermination of benefits.

Check out these articles to help uncover the truth about even more dental myths!

Tiffany DiGiacinto
Tiffany Di Giacinto serves as the director of marketing and communications for Delta Dental of Arizona (DDAZ) and is the editor of the DDAZ Blog. Since joining the Delta Dental family in 2012, she has learned a lot about dental health, the dental insurance industry and the passions of the oral health community. Tiffany's favorite toothpaste is Sensodyne (she has sensitive teeth) and her favorite floss flavor is mint. In her spare time, she enjoys WAKA kickball, happy hours and bad pop music. Tweet her, maybe, at @tdigiacinto.