National Smile Month has been a terrific time to share how Delta Dental of Arizona has been working to make people smile across Arizona. Through its foundation, Delta Dental of Arizona has been making grants to nonprofits that provide preventive oral health services in their community, by donating supplies like toothbrushes, paste and floss to nonprofits teaching good oral health practices to children, or supporting projects like dental clinics and sealant programs in rural communities. As a farewell to Smile Month, we’d like to share the story of Luís, who is certainly smiling brighter.
Luís’ Story
Luís is a 9-year-old boy who attends 4th grade in a downtown Phoenix elementary school. He and his brothers and sisters have never been to the dentist. In his family, food and shelter are the priority for each and every paycheck.
A woman from Esperanca’s Oral Health Educator program explained to Luís’ class how brushing, flossing and dental visits are important to keep your mouth and body healthy. She gave the students a list of dental resources, including referrals for free or low-cost dental care and a “Smile Bag” with a toothbrush, floss and paste. He was so excited to get his own toothbrush that he didn’t have to share with his brother.
Luís happily took home the information on the dental clinics, which was also in Spanish so his parents could read it. Within a few months of the visit to his classroom, Luís and his siblings had their first dental cleanings and their cavities repaired. Delta Dental of Arizona, through its foundation, is proud to partner with Esperanca to create healthy smiles.