Survey Says: Poor Dental Health is the Dating Deal Breaker

young man on a date

As an oral health advocate, I found it difficult to maintain a relationship with someone who refuses to replace his toothbrush every 3 months. It may sound picky, but I am not alone. Oral health matters more to women than men, according to a survey conducted by Delta Dental.

In fact, poor oral hygiene is one of the top reasons women say they’ll break up with someone: 27% of women say they’ll end a relationship with someone who doesn’t brush twice a day.

The survey also found that excellent oral hygiene is attractive! Nearly 80% of Baby Boomers and younger Gen Xers agree—good oral health is one of the sexiest qualities a partner can have.

Unlike finding your soul mate, preventive oral health care is simple and painless. All it requires is brushing, flossing and visiting your dentist regularly. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find love at the dental office!