Let’s cut to the chase, sometimes dental care can be costly.
Luckily, there are ways you can budget for your next dental procedure. We’ve adapted three of our favorite idioms to help you pinch a penny and prep financially:
Expect the unexpected.
You can’t always predict your health, but you can save for it. Consider looking into a Medical Savings Account, Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account to help set aside money for future care. Think of these accounts as a savings budget for just dental and health expenses.
Get it in writing.
Transparency is key. Ask your dentist to itemize each treatment so you know the exact cost of each procedure.
Your benefits provider may also provide a pre-treatment estimate, which can tell you what your benefits will cover and what you may owe out-of-pocket. You can always look up cost estimates on our site by logging into your account at any time.
It never hurts to ask.
If you are worried about the cost of the dentist’s prescribed treatment plan, discuss it with him or her. There might be less expensive care options or payment plans available. Others may offer financing options so you don’t have to pay for everything upfront.
One last idiom to leave you with: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Remember, a thorough dental routine can help prevent future expensive procedures.