Archive | 2011

Keep Your Sweet Tooth Intact this Holiday Season

For most Americans, the holiday season is a time for friends and family.  It’s also a time for sharing delicious holiday meals and sweets. We all know how easy it is to overdo it during the holidays, but did you know too much of a good thing doesn’t just apply to your waist line? It also applies […]

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5 Things Dentists Wish Patients Would Do

When it comes to the health of your smile, good oral hygiene is a must! At least 45 percent of Americans ages 65 and older have lost six or more teeth, and 20 percent have lost all of their natural teeth due to factors such as decay and gum disease. Good oral health habits should […]

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Hidden Dangers of Your Childhood Staples

We all want to ensure good health for our children. But did you know that many of the things we think are healthy for our children can actually do more harm than good? Take, for example, fruit juice – it sounds healthy, but fruit juices lose many of their essential nutrients, which are found in […]

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Give Thanks for a Healthy Smile with a Trip to the Dentist

When was the last time you paid your dentist a visit? If you are like many Americans, chances are it was quite some time ago. Lack of money or quality dental insurance, busy schedules, fear and the belief that oral health is an unnecessary factor in overall body health are some of the top reasons […]

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People who control their diabetes through diet, exercise & medicine are less at-risk for gum disease.

High Blood Sugar Takes its Toll on Your Smile

When you have diabetes it can take its toll on your whole body, including your teeth and gums. Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, learning how to manage your blood sugar is essential. Your mouth naturally has bacteria that interact with starches and sugar to cause plaque buildup on your teeth. If […]

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tips for a tooth-friendly Halloween

6 Tips for a Tooth-Friendly Halloween

With Halloween just around the corner, thoughts of massive amounts of candy in their child’s possession can be quite frightening to most parents. There are many things you can do to ease your worries. Here are a few tips to help your children enjoy their Halloween candy without turning their mouths into a Halloween nightmare: […]

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woman with headache induced by tooth grinding

Nocturnal Tooth Grinding: Is Your Mouth Getting Rest?

While you are sleeping your mouth may be very active. If you find yourself waking up in the morning with headaches, unexplained facial pain, sore jaw, neck aches or earaches, you may have sleep bruxism, also known as tooth grinding.  Many people experience some extent of tooth grinding, but only about 8 percent of the […]

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cup of coffee

The Dark Side of Your Daily Grind

It’s the one vice you thought you could enjoy without harmful side effects. But now your morning brew has officially been added to the list of habits that are detrimental to the health of your smile. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, according to a study by the National Coffee […]

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woman in bed with cold and flu symptoms

Keep Colds & Flu at Bay

Every year millions of school and work days are missed because of colds. There are many ways to ward off a cold, but did you know taking good care of your mouth is a great way to prevent seasonal illness? Enhancing your oral health can help boost your immunity and prevent the spread of certain […]

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6 kids sitting with their feet out in front of them, holding different sports balls

Play It Safe: Children’s Sports & Tooth Injuries

Sports are a great way to keep your child’s body healthy and fit, and sometimes injuries and accidents during these activities just can’t be avoided. The mouth is one of the most injured places on the body during contact sports and recreational activities. Each year, more than 2.6 million U.S. children suffer sports injuries severe […]

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