Archive | January, 2015
Woman wearing yellow standing in a sunlit room and holding her jaw with toothache pain.

3 Surprising Toothache Causes

Got a pain in your mouth? Don’t assume the worst right away. Cavities aren’t the only things that can make your teeth hurt. Check out these three common toothache causes – and what you can do to combat them. Sinus problems. If your upper rear teeth are giving you trouble, you may have a sinus […]

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Dental Visits Decoded: Cleanings

Having a dental professional clean your teeth helps remove tartar and stains that you can’t remove on your own. If it’s been awhile since you’ve found yourself in a dental chair, here’s what you can expect when you go in for a cleaning. Tartar forms when plaque is left on teeth long enough that it […]

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Is Juice Bad for Kids’ Teeth?

I can’t tell you when it happened, but at some point in the last year my baby morphed into a walking, talking toddler. Shortly after we celebrated my son’s first birthday, his daycare informed me that he’d be graduating to the toddler class, where they had juice with their snacks. Worried about his sugar intake, […]

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Yes Whey, Cheese is Good for Your Teeth

Smile and say “cheese” for the good news: Cheese is “grate” for your smile! This melted gooey goodness pleases your taste buds, tummy and teeth. Cheese is a natural source of calcium, a key nutrient for building and maintaining strong teeth and bones. Cheese also contains a protein that prevents bacteria from sticking to your […]

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Mouth Healthy Recipe: 3-Ingredient Cookies

Love cookies but hate the guilt? Then stop feeling guilty and indulge the cookie monster inside you with these healthy and delicious cookies! Ingredients 2 ripe bananas, mashed 1 cup uncooked quick oats ¼ cup crushed walnuts or pecans Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or spray with […]

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Keeping a Clean Toothbrush Routine [infographic]

As many as 10 million microbes can live on your toothbrush at a time. Because one of the main purposes of a toothbrush is to remove bacteria from your mouth, it’s important to know how to keep a clean toothbrush routine!

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Male doctor wearing a mask is showing an adult male patient how to brush teeth using a model of the mouth.

Got Dental Insurance? Use Your Preventive Benefits

When it comes to the health of your teeth and gums, preventive dental care is key. Brushing and flossing help to remove plaque from teeth and a healthy diet keeps your whole body—including your teeth and gums—in good shape. But it’s the routine dental exams and regular cleanings that help to reduce the likelihood you’ll need higher-cost treatments such as periodontal surgery, root canals, extractions and fillings.

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Person's arms writing with a pencil in a notebook on a desk with a laptop and coffee.

Beat the New Year’s Odds: Stick to Your Resolutions

Want to ensure you’re not one of the resolution-breakers? Recharge, rethink and reinvent your resolutions.

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