Archive | August, 2017
Group of boys playing flag football

3 Sports that Compromise Smile Safety

Kids and adults who compete in sports are more likely to maintain a healthy weight, have better mental health and develop stronger bones and muscles. But despite the benefits, dental health takes a hit when it comes to some sports. Basketball Contact sports require players to wear facial protection and mouthguards, but basketball requires no […]

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What To Tell Your Kids When The Tooth Fairy Forgets To Visit

The Tooth Fairy visits nearly nine in 10 homes of children who have lost a tooth, but she is not always diligent. Over half (56%) of parents say she has forgotten to visit their home in the past. Perhaps this is because she typically has just one assistant – 70% of parents say moms are […]

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summer vacation ideas

Arizona Labor Day Getaways

Getting out of the office is good for you and it’s proven to increase productivity – so your boss should like it too. Plan some PTO or leverage your 3-day weekend for one of these summer vacation ideas. Waves Laying out by the lake or enjoying pool time is a great way to spend time […]

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Female on a track looking at a phone and wearing headphones.

Health, Wellness and Smiles: There’s an App for That

You can do just about anything with an app, including stay healthy. These top apps for health will keep you on track.

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Dentist giving an exam to a pregnant woman.

3 Resources to Help You Pick a Dentist

Simplify how you pick a dentist. Explore 3 resources to help you pick the perfect dentist to meet your oral health needs.

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