4 Ways to Celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day

Little girl dressed as a fairy

Here at Delta Dental, the Tooth Fairy’s a bit of a celebrity. We get pretty excited when National Tooth Fairy Day nears because we get to celebrate our favorite tooth collector.

Looking for a way to honor this fabulous fairy? Here are 4 fun ways to celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day with your kids:

  1. Gather the kids and a healthy snack to watch The Tooth Fairy or Rise of the Guardians. Both family-friendly films feature your favorite, tooth-loving winged fairy!
  2. Get crafty and make a DIY Tooth Fairy pillow. This fun-size pillow will make it ‘fairy’ easy for the Tooth Fairy to find your child’s lost tooth!
  3. Read an oral-health-themed book or two with your children. We suggest The Mixed-up Tooth Fairy by William Faulkner, Dear Tooth Fairy by Alan Durant and Vanessa Cabban or You Think It’s Easy Being the Tooth Fairy? by Sheri Bell-Rehwoldt and David Slonim.
  4. Teach your kids about oral health with our Tooth Fairy activities! Complete the Tooth Fairy’s word scramble, connect the dots page, coloring sheets and more.

By the way, we’re not the only ones who think the Tooth Fairy is kind of a big deal. She’s so special, in fact, that she has two holidays a year. National Tooth Fairy Day occurs on August 22 and February 28. As we say around here, “Because she’s so nice, we celebrate her twice!” 🙂