Dentist Spotlight: Dr. Joy M. Collier

Dr. Joy Collier of Desert Vista Dental

We’d like to introduce Delta Dental dentist, Dr. Joy Collier. Her Goodyear practice, Desert Vista Dental, offers a comprehensive list of services. From basic dental checkups to a selection of cosmetic treatments, Dr. Collier aims to treat all her patients with kindness and compassion.

Do you brush and floss as much as recommended?
Yes, I do.

Electric or manual toothbrush?
Electric. I use my Oral-B at least once a day. It does a much better job than a manual toothbrush. I wish I could get more of my patients to use an electric toothbrush. It would help to eliminate a lot of issues.

Which celebrity has the best smile?
Many celebrity smiles have perfect imperfections due to cosmetic issues.

If you could tell patients to stop doing one thing, what would it be?
If you are going to have a glass of wine, coffee or a sugary drink, go ahead and drink it quickly instead of sipping it over a long period of time. Make sure to brush afterward.

What is the best dental advice you’ve ever received?
Instructions on how to floss properly. I was taught how to floss correctly and effectively in dental school.

What is the best thing about being a Delta Dental dentist?
The Contract Compliance Review visits have never been intimidating.

What is your favorite dental joke?
What does the Dentist Of The Year receive as an award?
-A little plaque.

If you were stuck on a desert island, what three items would you bring?
My toothbrush, my bikini and protein bars. I am pretty sure I could find something on the island that can be used for flossing!

If you’d like to nominate a dentist to be featured in the Delta Dental AZ Blog, contact us.

Tiffany DiGiacinto
Tiffany Di Giacinto serves as the director of marketing and communications for Delta Dental of Arizona (DDAZ) and is the editor of the DDAZ Blog. Since joining the Delta Dental family in 2012, she has learned a lot about dental health, the dental insurance industry and the passions of the oral health community. Tiffany's favorite toothpaste is Sensodyne (she has sensitive teeth) and her favorite floss flavor is mint. In her spare time, she enjoys WAKA kickball, happy hours and bad pop music. Tweet her, maybe, at @tdigiacinto.