Get Screened During Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Oral Cancer Awareness Ribbon

In an effort to raise awareness, increase education and unite the community, walkers of all ages will gather at Scottsdale’s Eldorado Park on Saturday, April 6 for the Arizona Oral Cancer 5k Walk.

As a sponsor of the event with a vested interest in Arizonan’s oral health, the Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation is encouraging everyone to attend and take advantage of the FREE oral cancer screenings available at the AZ Oral Cancer Walk. Screenings are quick, painless and can save your life!

Why Get Screened?

Screenings are vital to catching oral cancer in the early stages. According to the American Cancer Society, the most common reason for a fatality attributed to oral cancer is a late diagnosis. The survival rate is greatly reduced as the stage of oral cancer advances. Catch oral cancer in an early stage and survival chances are more than 90%. That’s why it’s important to get an oral cancer screening at least once a year, especially if you willingly partake in controllable risk factors.

What Happens in an Oral Cancer Screening?

If you cannot make it to the AZ Oral Cancer Walk on April 6, you may be able to ask your dentist if he/she offers free oral cancer screening. Oral cancer screenings are routine for most dentists and they have been trained to spot even the slightest symptoms. Screenings begin with a visual inspection of your mouth. The dentist will look at the tissue on your inner cheeks, under your tongue and the sides of your tongue. He will feel around your jaw and look for any hard lumps that could signal a tumor.