Something to Smile About: The Positives of Perfect Posture

Woman and man smiling and stretching with good posture

Slouchy may be a good look for boots and boyfriend jeans, but it’s not a good look for your body. Standing or sitting in the right position affects more than your looks – it can impact your posture and smile.

Posture Affects Jaw Alignment

In recent years, researchers have shown an increasing interest in the relationship between body posture, dental bite and problems with the jaw joints. Although at this time it’s not advisable to treat posture problems by adjusting your bite or vice versa, we can all agree that a healthy smile and an upright posture project confidence.

Proper Posture Makes a Healthy Back

Good posture keeps all of your body parts supported and balanced. When your body slumps, so does your spine. This can cause your vertebrae to deteriorate over time. By practicing proper posture, you’re preventing muscle aches and back pain – all while keeping your spine in check.

Good Posture = Increased Confidence = Bigger Smile

Not only do you look more confident when you stand up straight, you feel more confident. A recent study found that when you stand in a confident pose, your hormones respond accordingly. Good posture can also generate positive thoughts and increased energy levels. And finally, one last bonus for the ladies: Proper posture can make you look 10 pounds slimmer!

Tips for Improving Your Posture

Think of yourself as pasta: Your posture should resemble an uncooked noodle. If you’re more limp noodle, give these simple tips for good posture a try:

  • When standing, your ears, shoulders, hips knees and ankles should all line up. Double-check your stance by using a mirror.
  • When sitting, your hips should line up with your ears. If you’re looking at a computer, your eyes should be level with the center of the screen.
  • If you need a quick posture fix, pull your shoulder blades back and down.
  • Keep your stomach muscles tight. An engaged core makes a straighter body.

Repeat these movements regularly and soon you’ll break your bad posture habits. After all, practice makes perfect (posture).

Caroline Jacobson
Caroline Jacobson serves as a social media writer for Delta Dental of Arizona. Based in Colorado and originally from the Deep South, Caroline recently graduated from the University of Denver with her Masters in Strategic Communications. Before joining Delta Dental, she worked as a marketing manager and social media specialist for an Alabama firm. Caroline has always had a passion for non-profits, recently working with the Denver Center for Performing Arts and PBS. In her spare time, she enjoys outdoor activities with the three main men in her life: her husband and two long-haired dachshunds, Kyle and Brad. [Editor's Note: Caroline is no longer a current DDAZ employee.]