Understanding Your Dental Plan: Benefit Categories and Coverages

Person trying to understand their dental plan benefits and coverages

Comparing coverage between dental insurance plans? Trying to make sense of the dental benefits summary your employer gave you during open enrollment? We can help!

In addition to the annual maximum and deductible, you’ll want to review the covered services.  Many dental plans offer three classes or categories of covered services, often with different reimbursement levels for each. Each class provides specific types of treatment and typically covers those treatments at a certain percentage. Each class also specifies limitations and exclusions.

Class I – Diagnostic & Preventive

  • Procedures are diagnostic and preventive. Examples may include exams, X-rays and routine cleanings.
  • Diagnostic and preventive procedures are typically covered at the highest percentage (for example, 90-100% of the allowable charge).
  • Patients have a financial incentive to seek preventive care because such care can deter dental disease and the need for more expensive treatments in the future.

Class II – Basic

  • Basic procedures — such as fillings, extractions and periodontal treatment — are sometimes reimbursed at a slightly lower percentage (for example, 70–80%).
  • Deductibles may apply to these services.

Class III – Major

  • For major services, such as crowns and dentures. This is usually reimbursed at a lower percentage (for example, 50%).
  • There may be a waiting period before major services are covered.
  • Deductibles may apply to these services.

Limitations and Exclusions

Dental plans are designed to help with part of your dental expenses. The typical plan includes limitations and exclusions, meaning the plan doesn’t cover every aspect of dental care. This can relate to the type or number of procedures, the number of visits or age limits.

Each plan’s provisions are different, so it’s important to review your benefits information carefully to understand how your plan works and what types of cost-sharing elements you can expect. With a better understanding of the benefits included in your dental plan, you can have a key role in your oral health and wellness—and develop realistic expectations of how your dental insurance can work for you.

Have questions about the coverage available through your Delta Dental of Arizona plan? Log in to the Member Portal to find your specific plan details and benefits usage or call us to talk with a customer service representative at 602-938-3131, option 1.

Mary Loveless
Retiring from the US Air Force after 21 years of service, Mary Loveless started her career with Delta Dental of Arizona in 1998 as a customer service representative and was promoted to director of claims and customer service in 2004. In this role, her responsibilities include monitoring call center and claims processing activities with the support of 22 claims and customer service associates, quality improvement measures, workload distribution, performance service levels and ensuring performance guarantees are met. She enjoys a daily dose of cardiovascular activities, especially yoga, pilates, jogging, strength training and hiking. Did we mention she also has a huge shoe inventory? [Editor's Note: Mary retired from DDAZ in 2015.]