Year In Review: 2014’s Top Teeth Moments [Infographic]

Woman smiling with her teeth and pulling gum out of her mouth

2014 is coming to a close – we’re only a few short days away from the New Year. There were some significant smile-centric stories this year – in popular culture, the dentistry world and everything in between! Let’s take a look back at 2014’s top teeth moments.

Click infographic to enlarge.
Click infographic to enlarge.
Caroline Jacobson
Caroline Jacobson serves as a social media writer for Delta Dental of Arizona. Based in Colorado and originally from the Deep South, Caroline recently graduated from the University of Denver with her Masters in Strategic Communications. Before joining Delta Dental, she worked as a marketing manager and social media specialist for an Alabama firm. Caroline has always had a passion for non-profits, recently working with the Denver Center for Performing Arts and PBS. In her spare time, she enjoys outdoor activities with the three main men in her life: her husband and two long-haired dachshunds, Kyle and Brad. [Editor's Note: Caroline is no longer a current DDAZ employee.]