Shelby Tatomir

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Shelby Tatomir is a social media content manager for Delta Dental Social Media Collaborative. She hails from Southern California and has been living in Colorado since November 2016. Shelby has a passion for the English language, oil painting, animals and straight teeth. She prides herself on staying plugged into the always-evolving social media marketing industry. [Editor's Note: Shelby is no longer a current DD employee.]

Recent blog posts written by Shelby Tatomir

National Children’s Dental Health Month: Is Your Child’s Instrument Making Them Ill?

Ah, the sound of young hands making their first attempt at music– it’s something a parent would never forget. Drums? Horns? Orchestra? Band? Does one of these primary-school electives pose less of a risk to your child than another? How do you choose? In tandem with considering your child’s wishes, become informed about the potential […]

Your Teeth Feel the Health Benefits of Being in Love

If being in love is wrong, we don’t want to be right. And neither should you! In the first study of its kind, researcher Grace Branjerdporn looked into the link between being in love and dental health care. The results definitively point out that “the dynamics of our romantic relationships affect our oral health.” Turns […]

People with Dental Benefits are Happier

If you’re feeling down in the dumps and seeking a way to brighten your days, turning to your smile may be the solution. Since the 1980s, researchers have looked into the impact our smiles have on our self-image and overall happiness. Throughout the years, the studies have shown that there is a connection between happiness […]

Why Do You Need Dental Coverage? We’re Glad You Asked!

If you think you don’t need dental coverage because you can visit the dentist anytime you want, think again. Dental coverage can help improve your oral health, access to care, and cost of care. Plus, it makes you experience at the dentist a whole lot easier.  Why You Need Dental Coverage: Preventive care = a […]

small business dental insurance plans

Small Business Dental Plans Put You a Cut Above the Competition

Employees are looking beyond salary when considering new positions these days. Competition for top talent is high. When it comes to small business, dental insurance plans can be the benefit that broke the prospects back. 75% of employees think dental benefits through their employer are very important. As a small business owner, providing the “it” […]

tooth brushing app for kids

Top 5 Tooth Brushing App for Kids | Improve Your Child’s Smile

As a parent to today’s generation, you’re probably conscience about the amount of screen-time your kids get on their tech devices (and probably wish they spent less). But, you can capitalize on this app frenzy and get your kids to take better care of their smile. Below are some of our favorite tooth brushing apps […]

Girl wearing purple glasses. Her eyes are closed and she is smiling very big. She has braces.

9 Common Questions and Answers for Parents Considering Braces for their Children

If you’re a parent considering orthodontic treatment for your child, you may have questions. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about preparing for braces. Q: What causes crooked teeth? A: There are a few factors that can cause crooked teeth. A misaligned jaw can cause the mouth to close incorrectly. […]

insurance claims audit

What is a Dental Insurance Claim Audit?

Dental insurance can be confusing, and it’s important that you are billed for only what you get, and you are covered when it applies.  We keep track of everything through insurance claims auditing. Here are the basics of insurance claims auditing: Insurance Claims Audit for In-Network Dentists Dentists are required to submit claims for any […]

Leftover Candy Conundrum: What to Do with Extra Holiday Candy

Once the costumes are tucked away and the trick-or-treaters are in bed, there always seems to be something scary left behind…piles of candy. Don’t turn your leftover candy into holiday candy hoarding! There’s plenty you can do with the leftover holiday candy that doesn’t involve chocolate-covered stomach aches. Here’s our advice for how to use […]

relaxing music for anxiety control

Relaxing Music for Anxiety Control at the Dentist

When it’s time to go to the dentist, do you cringe with worry? Does sitting in your dentist’s chair make you feel anxious? Does the sound of the tools put you on edge? Have you tried relaxing music for anxiety control? There are some who use THC and CBD products, such as vape pens, dabber […]

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