Ten hut, ladies and gents! These invigorating boot camp workout ideas will get you in shape and smiling in no time. No equipment needed!
Side Shuffle | Warm-up
Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips and bend your knees. Take 3 quick steps to the right and touch your right hand to your right foot. Bring your hand back up and take 3 steps to the left, repeating the motion. One set = once to the left and once to the right.
Time: 2 minutes
Sets: 1
Mountain Climbers | Cardio + Strength
Beginning in a full plank position, bring one knee up to your chest and return back. Alternate knees as fast as you can.
Time: 1 minute
Sets: 2 (20-second rest between each set)
Flutter Kicks | Core
Lay on your back with your palms facing down, and supporting your lower back. Keep your legs straight, and begin with your left leg about 1 foot off of the floor and your right leg about 2 feet off the floor. Alternate legs up and down.
Time: 1 minute
Reps: 2 (10-second rest between each set)
Burpees | Cardio + Strength
Start in a squat position and bring your hands to the floor, under your shoulders. With your hands planted, jump back into a plank. Jump up into the squat position and then jump up with your hands raised.
Time: 1 minute
Sets: 2 (20-second rest between each set)
Plank | Core
Position yourself with your hands below your shoulders and your feet on the floor, about a foot apart. Keep your body straight, it is important not to dip down or arch up. For a modified version, bring your arms down onto your elbows.
Time: 1 minute
Reps: 2 (10-second rest between each set)
For twice the burn, repeat the boot camp workout.
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