Dentist Spotlight: Dr. Kent Tuttle

Dr. Kent Tuttle of Kent Dental in Scottsdale, Arizona posing with his wife, two children, and dog

Say hello to Dr. Kent Tuttle of Kent Dental in Scottsdale, Arizona! Dr. Tuttle specializes in cosmetic and restorative dentistry and his practice also offers services for TMJ, sleep apnea, oral surgery, laser dentistry, clear aligners and sedation dentistry. 

Dr. Tuttle believes in the power of building a relationship with his patients because every patient has a story that makes them unique. “I love that I get to be a small part of that story,” says Dr. Tuttle. 

What made you decide to become a dentist?

Dr. Kent Tuttle of Kent Dental

I love to serve others and use my hands and this combines the best of both worlds. I was in Ecuador on a Church of Jesus Christ mission for two years and saw humanitarian dentists come to help the underserved and decided this is something I want to pursue.

Do you brush and floss as much as you recommend?

Of course. I obsess over my oral hygiene.

What’s your favorite flavor of toothpaste?

I like natural whitening toothpaste. 

Electric or manual toothbrush?

Electric hands down.

Which celebrity do you think has the best smile and why?

Tom Cruise because his midline is off by a long ways and he pulls it off without hardly anyone noticing.

If you could tell patients to stop doing one thing, what would it be?

Stop smoking, drinking coffee, tea and red wine.

What’s the best dental advice you’ve ever received?

In thoroughness is satisfaction.

What’s the best thing about being a Delta Dental dentist?

When a patient shows up at my practice after seeing me on the Delta Dental website. 

What’s your favorite dentist joke?

What does the dentist of the year get?

A little plaque. 

Do you have any funny stories from the dentist’s chair?

When a dentist passes gas the best thing to do is not say anything. The assistant, the doctor and the patient will never know who was keeping the secret. 

What are three things that always make you smile?

  1. Hugging my wife and kids after a long day.
  2. Wrestling with my 6-year-old son.
  3. When a patient thanks me for the work I’ve done.

You have a passion for inspiring good oral health habits from one generation to the next. Why is it so important to educate about good oral hygiene across the generations?

Families usually pass on good habits. Oral health is a way of life and a daily commitment that will leave a legacy. 

If you were stuck on a desert island, what 3 things would you bring with you?

  1. A salt to fresh water converter.
  2. Seeds for a garden.
  3. My scriptures.

Jessica Arnold
Jessica Arnold is the social media and content specialist at Delta Dental of Arizona. She has a background in digital marketing and really appreciates how social media platforms can connect consumers and companies in a more meaningful way. She’s a true native Phoenician who loves spending time outside (when it’s not so hot!) with her daughter and husband. She's passionate about good overall health and is excited to have found her way into a company that enables wellness in Arizona. Her favorite social network is Reddit, where she can take a deep dive into very random topics (including oral health). With a toddler at home she’s slowly learning more about children’s oral health and how to get them to brush their little chompers—a daily battle, but well worth it! [Editor's Note: Jessica is no longer a current DDAZ employee.]