5 Teething Milestones During Your Baby’s First Year [Infographic]

Baby chewing on a teething ring.

If you feel bleary-eyed and exhausted, or if these days you’re popping more baby bottles than champagne bottles, congratulations…you’re a new mom! That hangover you’re likely feeling isn’t from dancing the night away (unless you count swaying back and forth to the smooth sounds of white noise and gentle ‘sssssshhuuushhhing’ as dancing). It’s from a lot of sleepless nights.

From first smiles to first words, the first year in your little one’s life is filled with amazing milestones and rapid changes–many of them oral health-related. And many new parents wonder if every drip of drool, slight increase in temperature or fussier than usual baby means the first teeth are on their way. We created this handy infographic to break down the stages of teething and share some helpful hints to help you (and baby) make it through with as few tears as possible!

Infographic outlining baby teething symptoms and signs plus tips for parents

If you found this infographic helpful, bookmark it—or better yet, share it with another new mom in your life!

For more oral health resources to keep you and your growing family healthy, check out these blog posts:

Jessica Arnold
Jessica Arnold is the social media and content specialist at Delta Dental of Arizona. She has a background in digital marketing and really appreciates how social media platforms can connect consumers and companies in a more meaningful way. She’s a true native Phoenician who loves spending time outside (when it’s not so hot!) with her daughter and husband. She's passionate about good overall health and is excited to have found her way into a company that enables wellness in Arizona. Her favorite social network is Reddit, where she can take a deep dive into very random topics (including oral health). With a toddler at home she’s slowly learning more about children’s oral health and how to get them to brush their little chompers—a daily battle, but well worth it! [Editor's Note: Jessica is no longer a current DDAZ employee.]