Tag Archives: employee wellness
6 employees at a factory are standing in a semi-circle and smiling while they talk.

5 Ways Insurance Can Help Create A Healthier Workplace

Your healthy employees are not only more productive but also more engaged and loyal. They are less likely to miss work, will spend less on healthcare and will be happier overall. Insurance plays a key role in maintaining your employees’ health. Here are 5 ways insurance can help create a healthier workplace.

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Gen Z employee using phone to create content at work

Generation Z & Their Benefit Needs

The year was 1996. Oprah’s latest book club selection was a nightstand staple (The Corrections is still a favorite of mine). A Nirvana CD replaced my Guns N’ Roses cassette tape and I couldn’t have been a bigger Friends fan. Little did I know that while I was practicing the Macarena in my mirror, Generation […]

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working mom holding baby while on the phone and in front of the computer

Workplace Burnout Is Real. Here’s How It Affects Female Employees

Pandemic-related stress has affected working women and the results are clear. They are burned out. According to the CDC, two out of every three caregivers are women who provide regular support to family members. Caring for others on top of working and managing a home during the pandemic is causing an increase in undue stress. […]

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Professional woman standing near a whiteboard and checking items off her to-do list that will help her employees budget for dental care

4 Steps to Help Employees Budget for Dental Care

Taking better care of one’s health and sticking to a budget top the New Year’s resolution charts each year. As an employer, you may be resolving to help your employees work toward these goals. It’s no secret that a healthier and happier workforce can help your company reach its yearly goals too! One way to […]

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10 Ways to Help Others During COVID-19

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has put our world into pandemic and left many of us feeling helpless and wondering, “How can we help?” Health and safety are top priorities for a great deal of Americans. Spending time in a large crowd or doing hands-on volunteering may seem risky, so it’s time to get creative! There are […]

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5 Ways to Show Remote Employees You Care About Their Oral Health

Managing a newly remote team or company comes with hurdles. In addition to maintaining the same levels of service, you have to think about keeping your team engaged and connected without the benefit of in-person contact. Wellness programs have become an increasingly valuable tool in helping employees weather this time of uncertainty, but you might […]

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Keeping Employees Healthy While Working From Home

How Voluntary Benefits Help Small Businesses Stay Productive

If you are a small business who is still struggling during this unprecedented time, you are not alone. According to a new Goldman Sachs survey, 96% of small businesses have been impacted by COVID-19. As the effects of the coronavirus pandemic continue to linger, small business owners must decide where to spend their limited resources […]

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Woman eating a health breakfast in her office while talking to a coworker

5 Wellness Tips to Keep Employees Engaged All Year Long

“This is the year. Starting January 1, I’m going to eat healthy, hit the gym 7 times a week and meditate every day,” says everyone every New Year. I would never discourage ambitious goal-setting, but doesn’t it feel a little overwhelming all at once? Remember that you now must execute all these lofty resolutions in […]

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2 male and 2 female employees look at a tablet in an office.

3 Ways to Encourage Employees to Use Their Dental and Vision Benefits

Insured employees are more likely to receive preventive care. And if they keep their appointments, they’re more likely to be healthier overall. As a group administrator, you’re the go-to for all things dental and vision benefits. Here’s how to take an active role:  Teach them why benefits matter. Medical conditions can be unpredictable. However, preventive dental […]

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