Archive | March, 2015

Can You Deduct Dental Expenses on Your Taxes?

Preparing your income taxes? You’re probably looking for as many tax deductions as possible. If you’re itemizing your deductions, remember that dental expenses are treated like medical expenses. For federal income tax purposes, many medical and dental costs are permitted to be itemized if they exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income (for most people). […]

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Which Do Kids Hate More: Brushing Their Teeth or Eating Vegetables?

Think it’s tough to get kids to eat their vegetables? It may be even tougher to get them to brush their teeth. That’s a finding from a new survey of more than 1,300 parents released by Delta Dental. Nearly half of parents (45 percent) say getting kids to brush their teeth is one of the […]

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Keep Your Mouth Clean This Spring

Doing some spring cleaning this month? While you’re busy beating rugs, cleaning curtains and organizing cabinets, don’t forget to check your bathroom counter! Here are four things to add to your checklist. Replace old or worn toothbrushes. If your toothbrush or toothbrush head is more than three months old, it’s time to get a new […]

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Girls high school basketball team mid-play

Mouth Madness: 3 Tips for Improving Your Oral Health Game

It’s that time of year again when the whole country goes a little mad – mad for basketball tournament brackets, obscure college mascots and Cinderella stories. When you’re not busy updating your wins and losses this month, take a few moments to consider how you can improve your oral health game. Sport a mouthguard. Whether […]

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5 Reasons Why It’s Easy Being Green

A wise frog once told us, “It’s not easy being green.” Well, no offense Kermit, but we have to disagree. There are so many emerald wonders to enjoy! Mint There’s a reason most dental products are mint-flavored. Besides their fresh taste, mint leaves clean your tongue and teeth. How? They block harmful bacteria growth inside […]

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3 Tips for Establishing a Speedy Smile Routine the Whole Family Can Follow

Chef. Chauffer. Teacher. Event coordinator. Financial planner. Personal shopper. So, who are these remarkable, multi-tasking people? Parents. Moms and dads will do just about anything to ensure healthy, happy children. But with the constant appointments, practices and crazy schedules, it’s hard to keep everything (and everyone) in line. While it’s fine to occasionally rush out […]

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1 male and 2 female coworkers eating lunch in the work break room.

Make Time for Break Time: Lunchbox Ideas for Work

It’s lunchtime on a weekday. Do you know where your coworkers are? Chances are they’re still sitting at their desks—just like you’re sitting at yours—doing something similar to what you’re doing: pausing between bites to catch up on emails, hop on a call or surf the web. It turns out that skipped lunch breaks and […]

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