Archive | January, 2020
Person skiing in a red coat.

Should You Wear a Mouthguard While Skiing?

You wake up and check the snow report: fresh powder, 25 degrees and all trails are open at Snowbowl. Perfect! You call your friends, gather your gear and pack up for a day on the slopes. You have your skis, poles, jacket and helmet, but you’re missing one very important item—your mouthguard. You arrive at […]

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Infographic outlining baby teething symptoms and signs plus tips for parents

5 Teething Milestones During Your Baby’s First Year [Infographic]

If you feel bleary eyed and exhausted, or if these days you’re popping more baby bottles than champagne bottles, congratulations…you’re a new mom! That hangover you’re likely feeling isn’t from dancing the night away (unless you count swaying back and forth to the smooth sounds of white noise and gentle ‘sssssshhuuushhhing’ as dancing). It’s from […]

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Delta Dental Dentist Dr. Hagerman

Dentist Spotlight: Dr. Brooklyn Hagerman

We’d like to introduce you to Delta Dental dentist, Dr. Brooklyn Hagerman of Warren & Hagerman Family Dentistry in Litchfield Park. Dr. Hagerman is a family dentist who treats patients of all ages. She offers comprehensive dental care, including restorative and cosmetic dentistry. What made you decide to become a dentist? My brother-in-law is a dentist […]

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